PhD & Habilitation


A doctorate (PhD) is an independent research project in which the doctoral candidate is supported by at least one supervisor. The aim of the doctorate is the research-related deepening of a previous university study, in particular the independent scientific work on basic scientific questions in Chemistry, Pharmacy, Geography or Geosciences as well as the professional, interdisciplinary and comprehensive qualification.

At the Faculty of Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Geography and Geosciences (Faculty 09) it is possible to obtain the academic degree of a doctor of Natural Sciences (Dr.rer.nat.) as well as of Philosophy (Dr.phil. in Human Geography).



Habilitation is a way to provide the proof of outstanding scientific performance and pedagogical (didactic) aptitude (teaching qualification) required for appointment as a professor. It is intended to provide the applicant with the authority to teach independently at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) in a specific subject area (Venia legendi).

For more information, please check the examination regulations.

The Examination Office is in charge of the administrative processes of the doctoral and habilitation procedures at the Faculty 09 and accordingly the first point of contact for administrative matters.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone at 39-22273 or 39-25350 or via e-mail at dekan09@uni-mainz.